Colleen and Jon met the old fashion way, online 🙂 . Their first date was at Vinoteca on U Street for wine. The date lasted hours and they liked each other immediately! Their second date was the very next day! Jon proposed last summer on a trip to Amsterdam and Berlin. He says he was a little anxious before the proposal because his initial plan was foiled by Colleen insisting they visit a site spontaneously that he had planned for proposal. He ended up proposing in the hotel they stayed in on their last day in Berlin. They had a great day celebrating the proposal at Mauer Park.
Colleen and Jon decided on having a small civil ceremony at DC Moultrie Courthouse and reception with friends and family at Occidental Grill & Seafood Restaurant. Colleen and Jon chose Occidental because they liked the natural light. They also really liked Bethany the events coordinator.
Congratulations to Colleen and Jon on their marriage and future together. I had a great time being a part of their dc courthouse wedding ceremony and reception. Please enjoy some of the photos from there day below and feel free to contact us to be your DC Courthouse Wedding Photographer.