The Dominion Club Wedding Photographer

The Dominion Club Wedding Photographer.  April and Nate had their first date at the Turkish Festival in Tysons Corner. It was a beautiful warm day and not a cloud in the sky.  They people watched, talked and laughed while they enjoyed the entertainment of the festival.  After a few years of dating Nate surprised April with a wedding proposal at his home in Newport News, Va.  While April’s back was turned as she was reading information on how to care for the flowers that Nate just bought for her, April turned around and Nate was on one knee asking for her hand in marriage. April happily accepted and the rest is history. April and Nate exchanged vows at the Dominion Club in Richmond, Va amongst their closest friends and family.  Enjoy some highlights from their wedding day.

Bride & Groom Prep, Ceremony & Reception – The Dominion Club, Richmond, Va
The Dominion Club Wedding Photographer

02 The Dominion Club 03 Bridal Details 04 Dominion Club Bridal Portrait 05 Dominion Club Groom Portrait 06 Dominion Club Here Comes The Bride 07 Dominion Club Vow Exchange 08 Dominion Club First Kiss 09 Dominion Club Bridal Party 10 Dominion Club Wedding Party 11 Dominion Club Portrait 12 Dominion Club Wedding Photographer 13 Dominion Club Wedding Photographer14 Dominion Club Wedding Portrait

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